Cluster Determinants in Poland and in Other European Union Member States


  • Jarosław Winiarski Akademia Sztuki Wojennej



cluster, cluster research, cooperation of enterprises, competitive advantages, strategic management


Increasing importance of clusters has shifted the focus on issues connected with mechanisms involved in their establishing and operating. This article discusses the specificity of Polish clusters by comparing them with European clusters and answering the question concerning similarities and differences in how they emerge and operate. The goal was accomplished based on desk (secondary) research and own empirical studies. Results of conducted studies provided an answer to the research question and
helped in providing a preliminary description of determinants of the emergence and development of clusters in Poland.


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How to Cite

Winiarski, J. (2019). Cluster Determinants in Poland and in Other European Union Member States. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (167), 157–171.


