Efficiency Assessment of Medical Services Rendered by Hospital Units by Organisational and Legal Form of Entities





healthcare, hospital, DEA method


The paper investigates and assesses the efficiency of healthcare system units by focusing narrowly on medical units that offered hospital services in Dolny Śląsk (Lower Silesia) over the period 2010–2014. Study group included 48 medical units active within the territory of Dolnośląskie Region.
Empirical studies were carried out using the DEA non-parametric method used to assess the efficiency of selected hospital wards (surgery and internal diseases) run by the so called Independent Public Healthcare Units (Polish abbr. SPZOZ) and limited companies. The study covered all medical units, which had contracts with hospitals. However, final analysis focused on units, which effectively ran hospital wards/departments included in the analysis.
Results of the study did not confirm that the efficiency in independent public healthcare units was lower than that in limited companies.


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How to Cite

Łagowski, P. (2019). Efficiency Assessment of Medical Services Rendered by Hospital Units by Organisational and Legal Form of Entities. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (167), 95–110. https://doi.org/10.33119/SIP.2018.167.6


