Lean Concept in Improving the Efficiency of the Staff of Healthcare Entities





healthcare entity, lean management, 5S, kaizen


The efficiency of the healthcare sector is linked not only with outlays directly spent on it but also with optimal performance in medical and non-medical fields. By eliminating obsolete activities of the staff, we may improve the operations of a healthcare entity. The paper lists three types of waste that we may come across in a medical institution. By knowing them, we may suggest how they can be reduced. An assumption was made that according to the lean concept one may rationalise processes of a healthcare operator, which is why the substance, tools, and benefits of the application of the idea by the staff of a healthcare entity (e.g. shorter lead time for individual processes, fewer work-consuming processes and increasing staff productivity) are discussed in this paper. This is a theoretical paper. Research method is based on desk studies.


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How to Cite

Bukowska-Piestrzyńska, A. (2019). Lean Concept in Improving the Efficiency of the Staff of Healthcare Entities. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (167), 65–78. https://doi.org/10.33119/SIP.2018.167.4


