Integrated Report Framework Structure. Guidelines and Practice in Selected Enterprises




integrated report, reporting standardisation, non-financial reporting, usefulness of information, comparability of information


The article is aimed at the presentation of guidelines included in the framework structure of integrated reporting as well as an attempt to refer them to the scope of information disclosed in reports. The selection of analysed companies results from the desire to compare the contents of Polish and foreign reports made by entities operating within the fuel and energy sector, characterised by different experience in integrated reports preparation. The article makes use of the following research methods: critical analysis of literature studies, integrated report content analysis or case studies. The analysed companies disclose different contents within the assessed areas, which results from different conceptual frameworks of integrated reporting. It seems desirable to standardise the scope of presented information to a certain extent in order to increase comparability between entities.


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How to Cite

Chojnacka, E., & Bering, A. (2018). Integrated Report Framework Structure. Guidelines and Practice in Selected Enterprises. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (160), 63–78.


