Humans and Artificial Intelligence Bots in Modern Projects


  • Ryszard Ćwiertniak Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie



artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence bots, chatbots in project teams, project management


This article analyzes the impact of integrating artificial intelligence (AI) bots on the performance of project teams. The main research objectives include identifying challenges associated with the implementation of chatbots in teams, supporting the professional development of designers, and addressing ethical issues related to the use of AI agents. The author examines how AI bots influence the development of team competencies and transform project management processes. The findings suggest that AI can significantly enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of designers, provided that change management, trust-building, and adherence to ethical standards are responsibly implemented. The need for clear accountability in decisions made by AI systems is also emphasized, along with the importance of continuous development of both technical and soft skills to fully leverage the potential of this technology in modern projects.



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How to Cite

Ćwiertniak, R. (2025). Humans and Artificial Intelligence Bots in Modern Projects. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (199), 79–94.


