The Quarterly Journal “Studia z Polityki Publicznej/Public Policy Studies” pursues an editorial policy based on the principles which have been stipulated by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (“Guidelines on Good Publication Practice”).

Editorial Policy Rules:

1. The editorial policy of the Quarterly Journal remains independent of any commercial influence.

2. It is based on ethical assumptions that cover an entire publishing process.

3. The ultimate goal of the Editorial Board is to provide the readers and the general public with an intellectual product of the highest quality and merit in terms of knowledge related to the discussed issues.

4. The procedure of approving articles for publication adopted by the Editorial Board is transparent and understandable for potential authors.

5. The essential guidelines for the authors interested in the publication of an article in the Quarterly Journal are available on the website (see: Submissions/Author Guidelines).

6. The articles which are accepted for further stages of the publishing procedure are consistent with the profile of the journal, and they have a potential value for the recipients of the journal due to their strong foundation related to objectified knowledge, diversified and valuable sources as well as references to the current state of advancement of a given scientific field.

7. Attention is paid to the observance of appropriate rules by the authors regarding the credibility of the sources they cite, the use of quotations, and borrowings.

8. The Editorial Board applies an appropriate policy against potential threats such as plagiarism and other kinds of abuse (see below).

9. The author makes a statement declaring that the article submitted for publication is an original and independent work, and it does not infringe or violate the rights of third parties (example w języku polskim / in English​). The quotations, borrowings, tables, and comments are supplied with appropriate footnotes. The phenomena such as “ghostwriting” or “guest authorship” are eliminated with the use of relevant COPE guidelines.

10. The Editorial Board makes sure that the articles are prepared and developed at an appropriate level in terms of the clarity and readability of the message.

11. The articles are provided with abstracts, keywords, and translations.

12. Any conflicts of interest between members of the Editorial Board, authors, and reviewers are eliminated (see below).

13. The Editorial Board ensures the confidentiality and security of the personal data of the authors and all entities collaborating with the Quarterly Journal (see also: Privacy Statement).


Reviewing Principles:

1. The reviewing principles and procedures are clearly defined in a separate place on the website (see: Review and Acceptance Procedures).

2. The Editorial Board approves the articles for publication after considering their compliance with the profile of the Quarterly Journal as well as the requirements contained in the Information for the Authors (see: Submissions/Author Guidelines).

3. The Editorial Board accepts only original articles, i.e., those which were not submitted or published in any scientific publication.

4. The author of the paper is obliged to sign an appropriate statement declaring the originality of the work (example of the statement w języku polskim / in English​).

5. The Editorial Board submits the text presented by the author to a preliminary evaluation in order to decide whether it is compliant with the profile of the Quarterly Journal as well as the requirements contained in the Information for the Authors.

6. External review is carried out by two reviewers in a “double-blind peer review process” system, i.e., after removing the information related to the author’s identity. A review form is used.

7. The list of reviewers is published.

8. The review is presented to the author (he does not know the identities of the reviewers). The author is obliged to respond to the comments provided.


Editorial Work:

1. The members of the Editorial Collegium [Editorial Committee] are members of academic staff specialising in different fields of public policy as a knowledge discipline.

2. Members of the Editorial Board observe high ethical and intellectual standards. They are free from any commercial influence or motivation.

3. The editors become acquainted with the articles which are sent, and they are making decisions based on their best knowledge, being guided by impartiality, objectivity, and the willingness to contribute to the publication of high-quality materials.

4. They accept articles that meet the most important professional criteria, including innovative and original theses, extensive, and reliable sources.

5. The Editorial Board looks for the best authors and reviewers; they adapt the articles to meet the needs of the readership, they respond to the recipients’ needs and expectations with regard to the specific academic issues.

6. The Editorial Board includes critical comments concerning published articles. They initiate discussions concerning the presented articles.

7. In the case of any errors contained in the article, appropriate corrections and explanations are presented.

8. The Editorial Board protects personal data (see: Privacy Statement).


Detection of Plagiarism, Duplicates, Manipulation of Graphic Materials, and Anti-plagiarism Checking and Procedures:

Any plagiarism is not acceptable in the Journal “Studia z Polityki Publicznej/Public Policy Studies.” During the submission of manuscripts, authors have to declare the originality of their texts. If plagiarism is detected during the initial checking/pre-screening by the Editorial Board or during the peer review process, the manuscript will be rejected. If plagiarism is identified after publication, the publisher has the right to issue an erratum or retract the publication. The Editorial Board uses various and adequate plagiarism checker software for confirming the credibility and originality of manuscripts. Depending on the case, we use the following software: SciGen Detection software, CrossRef and iThenticate Similarity Check, the Polish Plagiat software, Plagiarism Checker X, Small SEO Tools Plagiarism Checker, DupliChecker, Grammarly Business,, Cite 4 Me Plagiarism Checker, Plagramme, Plagiarism Hunt, and Plagly.

The content of the journal is indexed by CrossRef, and each article is assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Thanks to this solution, all the notes, and citations used can be tracked by publishers and used in the anti-plagiarism database.

Moreover, the Journal “Studia z Polityki Publicznej/Public Policy Studies” uses the following COPE flowcharts to investigate concerns around copyrights and intellectual property and unethical behavior:

- Systematic manipulation of the publication process

- Suspected plagiarism in a submitted manuscript

- Suspected image manipulation in publication

- Suspected redundant (duplicate) publication


Authorship and Contributorship / Author Contributions:

Manuscript authors are required to provide information about the author contributions. This information is mandatory for all articles, including articles by sole authors (see: the template for the article).

According to the COPE guidelines, any changes to the information about authorship require the written consent of all co-authors. Such consent should be expressed by each of them separately, in an e-mail addressed to the Editorial Office. Authors are required to provide a clear reason for the proposed change or changes and to coordinate the interaction between the authors and the Editorial Office. If the authors fail to reach an agreement, they should appeal to the authorities of the entities in which they are affiliated. The Editorial Office does not participate in such disputes. If the procedure described here applies to an already published article, the authorship information is changed by publishing errata or corrections.


Conflicts of Interest:

To ensure the transparency of the publication, all authors, reviewers, and editors are required to declare potential conflicts of interest that may threaten, confront or affect the credibility of the publication (see: the template for the article and manuscript submission forms in OJS; review forms as well as Review and Acceptance Procedures).


Research Funding Disclosure:

Manuscript authors are required to disclose the sources of research funding (see: the template for the article). The following information is requested: the name of the financing institution, name of the grant, contract number, and/or grant identifier. Also, in the case of commercial funding, the role of the funder must be described.


Research Ethics Statements:

Manuscript authors are required to provide Ethics Statements as long as the articles are based on studies involving human participants (see: the template for the article). The journal requires that published studies be conducted with adequate human-subjects protection (e.g., informed consent, ethical oversight). The consent for participation in studies is both informed and written unless waived by a relevant ethics committee or not required by the national legislation.


Research Data Rules:

Manuscript authors are required to provide Research Data Availability Statements as long as the articles are based on studies involving datasets (see: the template for the article). The journal requires authors to provide information about readers’ access to the research data used. For example, the authors should inform about the availability of datasets in a public repository, using of existing publicly accessible datasets, restricted access to the datasets, data obtained from a third party, or availability of datasets on request.


Supplementary Materials Policy:

The journal recommends authors to self-share research data related to articles published in the journal with taking into account the requirements of other entities, including scientific publishers, grant agreements, employers, and codes of ethics related to scientific activity.

If needed, Supplementary Material should be uploaded online separately before the submission of the article manuscript to the journal. Authors can also deposit any additional data and/or graphic representations (e.g., figures and/or tables) as additional files in open repositories, such as Zenodo, FigShare, RepOD, or Polish Social Data Archive. This way, they can receive permanent data storage and DOI or another identifier for deposited data.

A list of data repositories is available in the Open Access Directory.

Please include adequate information about the stored Supplementary Material in the manuscript. For example:

“The supplementary data [generated/analyzed] for this [article/paper/study] can be found in the [name of repository]: [link]. [DOI or another identifier].”


Complaints, Post-Publication Discussions, Corrections, and Retractions:

In general, the journal publishes discussions, corrections, retractions, and expressions of concern by following the COPE guidelines. Minor corrections are possible through comments posted by the Editorial Office to the online version of the paper. Major corrections will be published via correction article, fully indexed, and linked to the original paper. Major corrections are related to errors that significantly affect the understanding of the original paper.


Disclaimer / Publisher’s Note:

The views expressed in the published papers are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, the editors, Editorial Board, reviewers, and publisher.

The authors take legal and moral responsibility for the ideas expressed in the articles. The publisher shall have no liability in the event of issuance of any claims for damages. The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation.

Any product that may be evaluated in the published articles, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the editors, Editorial Board, reviewers, and publisher.


Publication Charge Policy, Revenue Sources, and Funding of the Journal:

Processing and publication in the quarterly journal “Studia z Polityki Publicznej/Public Policy Studies” are free of charge. Fees or Article Processing Charges (APCs) are not requested from the authors at any point of the peer review and publication (no submission fees, publication fees, and other fees related to the processing of the manuscript).

Access to the content of the journal is free. The journal is financed by Polish governmental programs and university subsidies.

Creation of a language editing team for the journal “Studia z Polityki Publicznej/Public Policy Studies” - a task financed under the agreement 540/P-DUN/2017 from the funds of the Minister of Science and Higher Education allocated to activities promoting science.

Increasing the percentage of foreign reviewers in the publishing process - a task financed under the agreement 540/P-DUN/2017 from the funds of the Minister of Science and Higher Education allocated to the activities of disseminating science.

Implementation of Open Journal Systems - an open system for servicing journals with the development of the graphic design and system configuration for the journal “Studia z Polityki Publicznej/Public Policy Studies” - a task financed under the agreement 540/P-DUN/2017 from the funds of the Minister of Science and Higher Education intended for science dissemination activities.

“Studia z Polityki Publicznej/Public Policy Studies” - a journal co-financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education under contract 223/WCN/2019/1 under the “Support for scientific journals” program.

Vol 9 No 2-4 (34-36) (2022): Funded from subsidies allocated to the maintenance and development of research potential at the Collegium of Socio-Economics, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland.

“Studia z Polityki Publicznej/Public Policy Studies” - a journal co-financed by the Ministry of Education and Science under contract RCN/SP/0206/2021/1 under the “Development of scientific journals” program.


Advertisement Policy:

At the moment, we do not sell advertising spots in publications.

Nevertheless, the journal may publish announcements related to public policy topics that may be of interest to readers (e.g., invitations to conferences). The decision to accept such announcements is made by the Editor-in-Chief and the publisher.


Additional Information:

- Submissions/Author Guidelines

- Statue of the Quarterly

- Review and Acceptance Procedures

- Open Access Policy

- Indexing and Archiving

- Privacy Statement