Banking market analysis in Spain after 2008 on the example of savings banks and ‘Bankia’ bank


  • Justyna Salamon Instytut Religioznawstwa Uniwersytet Jagielloński



banking, finances, Spain, lobbying, politics


The paper focuses on the banking market in Spain in the context of lobbying campaign carried out initially by the savings banks and then by the Spanish bank Bankia. The examination covers the period between 2009 and 2014. Activities that took place at that time were aimed to give the biggest political impact possible on the financial market of Spain to representatives of Autonomous Communities, especially in the context of operations pursued by savings banks and the Bankia bank. The principal goal of the authorities, irrespective of the political party that they represented, was to be able to impact the banking market. The lobbying campaign led to the financial crisis in Spain as royal decrees that were adopted as laws failed to remedy the situation. It was not until the interference of the European Union that some improvement was observed even though it was seen as an attempt to expand the sphere of influence in Spain.


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Akty prawne

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How to Cite

Salamon, J. . (2021). Banking market analysis in Spain after 2008 on the example of savings banks and ‘Bankia’ bank. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (180), 9–22.


