Product Diversification Strategy: The Case of Wielton AGRO Brand


  • Łukasz Żabski Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu
  • Tomasz Woźniak Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społeczne



diversification, product diversification strategy, Wielton AGRO, agribusiness


Diversification, a strategy intended to lead to the expansion of the scope and scale of business activities, is one amongst principal business development strategies pursued by enterprises. Product diversification is one of business strategies, which involves producing and selling a new line of products/services manufactured using existing or/and new technologies, and meeting needs other than the existing products/services can satisfy.
The aim of the paper is to discuss the substance and importance of product diversification strategy in agricultural machinery industry using the Wielton AGRO brand owned by Wielton S. A. corporate group as an example.
Diversification and product diversification have been defined following the review of literature devoted to business strategy. Then the primary market of semitrailers in Poland is presented. Next, a profile of Wielton AGRO brand is provided together with strategic analysis covering its macro and micro environment. The first was carried out using the PESTEL analysis, while for the second one we used the BCG matrix.
Conducted analyses have demonstrated that product diversification strategy adopted and delivered by Wielton AGRO brand has enhanced the real development potential of Wielton S. A. and the entire corporate group by offering new semitrailers for agriculture that meet client requirements and expectations. In addition, it has diversified sources of income and strengthened the position of the Wielton brand in the domestic and international markets mainly by increasing the share of exports.


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How to Cite

Żabski, Łukasz, & Woźniak, T. . (2021). Product Diversification Strategy: The Case of Wielton AGRO Brand. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (181), 49–66.


