Specificity of the enterprise control market as the market reacting to catastrophic events


  • Krzysztof Melnarowicz Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie




enterprise control market, catastrophic events, mergers and acquisitions, pandemic


This publication deals with the impact of the catastrophic event, which is undoubtedly the current COVID-19 pandemic, on the mergers and acquisitions market. The aim of the publication is to show the specificity of the enterprise control market as the one responding to a catastrophic event. For this purpose, the author asked two research questions: 1. Is there a specificity of the mergers and acquisitions market consisting in a certain reaction of this market to catastrophic events? 2. How did strategic and financial investors behave during the pandemic period? In order to answer such questions, an analysis of the available statistical data on the mergers and acquisitions market, both domestic and global, was carried out. Then, in the empirical part, a case study was presented to confirm certain market behaviours that were revealed. As a result of the analysis of the available statistical data and the case study, some elements of the specificity of the M&A market as a market responding to a catastrophic event were found. Finally, the author recommended conducting further, in-depth research on the specificity of the enterprise control market as a market responding to a catastrophic event.


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How to Cite

Melnarowicz, K. . (2023). Specificity of the enterprise control market as the market reacting to catastrophic events. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (185), 113–128. https://doi.org/10.33119/SIP.2022.185.6


