Recognisability and Application of Agile Project Management in Polish Companies. Empirical Research


  • Seweryn Spałek Politechnika Śląska, Wydział Organizacji i Zarządzania


agile,, empirical research,, industry 4.0,, Poland,, project, management,, hybrid


On the eve of the fourth industrial revolution it is necessary for a company to apply modern concepts of product management. It is connected with a dynamic spread of IT solutions in different, sometimes very distant areas of communication and information technology. It implies expansive digitalisation and networking of the current and new products. In such a volatile environment the traditional project management methods applied so far prove to be insufficient. Thus, companies should reach for more flexible forms of project management referred to as agile. The present article based on the conducted empirical research discusses the recognisability and level of application of project agile management in Poland. The results of the conducted research indicate that Polish companies have only a slight knowledge of project agile management. It is translated into really unsatisfactory application of agile methods in the implementation of undertakings.


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How to Cite

Spałek, S. . (2023). Recognisability and Application of Agile Project Management in Polish Companies. Empirical Research. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (159), 155–167. Retrieved from


