The rise of socially responsible consumer behavior as a stimuli for innovations in marketing of goods and services


  • Anita Szuszkiewicz Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie Kolegium Zarządzania i Finansów



consumer social reponsibility, consumer empowerment,, prosumption,, value co-creation, marketing innovation


The ongoing changes in attitudes and behaviors of consumers towards socially responsible consumption determine the activities of enterprises in the field of marketing of goods and services and encourage them to introduce innovations in this area. The modern consumer is not only the recipient of marketing activities, but also their co-creator. In the first of roles idicated, he is characterized by a critical approach to the received content and not being influenced by it, which forces companies to redefine their marketing strategies and focus on consumers who are aware and skeptical of traditional marketing tools and messages. Prosumers, in turn, as an entity actively participating in creating solutions, become a key component of the innovative potential of enterprises, also in relation to marketing practices. It is believed that the dissemination of socially responsible consumption and the strengthening of the consumer’s position on the market will result in the search and implementation of innovative app aches and solutions in the field of marketing of goods and services, including collaborative marketing, value co-creating with the client, platformization or use of Prosumer-oriented Relationship Management. The results of the “Consumer Social Responsibility Barometer” survey show that Poles do believe that consumers should not be indiscriminate in perception of advertising and treat promotional activities of enterprises with a distance. As for enterprises, they expect active cooperation with customers so that the business takes into account their needs and comments. The author’s own research shows that enterprises focused on the consumer market are largely involved in consumer education in the field of ecological consumption as a form of marketing communication and undertake cooperation with consumers in the field of solutions enabling ecological consumption, thus confirming the thesis related to transformations in the area of marketing in connection with the development of consumer social responsibility.


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2023-05-23 — Updated on 2024-05-22


How to Cite

Szuszkiewicz, A. (2024). The rise of socially responsible consumer behavior as a stimuli for innovations in marketing of goods and services. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (188), 9–24. (Original work published May 23, 2023)


