Sustainable Consumer Behavior During the COVID-19 Pandemic


  • Grzegorz Maciejewski Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach



sustainable consumer behavior, sustainable consumption,, sustainable development goals, change, COVID-19 pandemic, quantitative research


The aim of the article is to indicate the observed changes in consumer behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic. Particular attention has been paid to sustainable behaviours. The article also presents the opinions of respondents on the impact of the progressive degradation of the natural environment on the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic.The text was created as a result of a literature query on the subject and the implementation of original empirical research conducted in November 2020 on a sample of 1,045 adult consumers from all over Poland. The empirical study used the technique of an internet survey. As a result of the pandemic, consumers do more things remotely, care more about health and hygiene and more often pay by card. Sustainable behaviors undertaken the most frequently by consumers include activities related to the reduction of food waste, deconsumption as well as waste sorting and not littering the environment. According to half of the surveyed consumers, environmental degradation caused by irresponsible human activity accounts in no more than 40% for the outburst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the other half believed that in more than 40%.


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2023-05-23 — Updated on 2024-05-22


How to Cite

Maciejewski, G. . (2024). Sustainable Consumer Behavior During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (188), 43–61. (Original work published May 23, 2023)


