Offboarding and exit interview in the process of an employee leaving


  • Artur Wilczyński Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie



reasons for employee departure, offboarding stages,, exit interview, question areas


This study presents human resource management tools applied to an undervalued stage of an employee’s life cycle in an organisation, the exit process. The objective of the analyses provided was to clarify the significance, necessity and use of offboarding as a management of employee leaving process. Achieving the aim required the identification of the reasons and risks associated with employee’s turnover, together with the description of the key tool used in offboarding, the exit interview. The research undertaken resulted in the construction of a self-created offboarding cycle and the identification of areas of exit interview questions. The results of the research also showed that offboarding is a multistage process that provides safety, knowledge transfer, feedback on processes and creates a positive image of the organisation as an employer. t was also identified that the areas of exit interview questions should relate to organisational culture, work environment, organisational management and employee development. In addition, it is suggested that the preparation of the interviewers, the selection of questions, and the acquisition of justifications for answers have an impact on the reliability of the information collected.


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How to Cite

Wilczyński, A. . (2023). Offboarding and exit interview in the process of an employee leaving. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (189), 75–91.


