Corporate governance as one of the factors affecting the amount of provisions among entities from the mining industry in 2018–2021


  • Małgorzata Białas Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza w Krakowie



balance sheet provisions,, corporate governance,, agency theory,, mining industry


Provisions created for future liabilities are the subject of this paper. The research was conducted on the basis of separate financial statements of entities from the mining industry, which are obliged to reclaim mining areas after the end of their operations. The aim of the article is to determine whether corporate governance has an impact on the amount of provisions created in the mining industry. In particular, attempts were made to verify whether the value of created provisions depends on who owns a given mining company. In addition, thanks to the collected data, it will be possible to determine how these enterprises prepare for future liabilities by creating provisions. Has the Covid-19 pandemic also had an impact on changes in this area?


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How to Cite

Białas, M. (2023). Corporate governance as one of the factors affecting the amount of provisions among entities from the mining industry in 2018–2021. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (190), 97–109.


