Estonian CIT: uncertainties in terms of tax and accounting law


  • Magdalena Janiszewska Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
  • Agnieszka Tłaczała Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie



Estonian CIT, flat-rate tax on corporate income, tax base


The aim of the article is to present the uncertainties arising from the analysis of regulations concerning flat-rate tax on the income of companies, both in terms of tax law and accounting law. The correct determination of the tax base for personal income tax on the part of partners receiving profits appears to be particularly problematic. An analysis of tax rulings issued by the Director of the National Revenue Administration indicates a contradiction in the positions presented in this regard. Tax rulings issued also often conflict with the tax explanations from the Ministry of Finance dated December 23, 2021, as well as with the views presented in the subject literature. This issue affects the amount of distributed profits to the partners of the companies and the amount of personal income tax (PIT) due thereby creating a tax risk for the taxpayer. Based on the analysis of the literature, legal acts, previously issued individual interpretations and administrative court rulings, recommendations will be formulated regarding the future shape of regulations concerning the flat-rate tax on the income of companies, with the aim of eliminating interpretational uncertainties in this field and making the relevant regulations more transparent for both taxpayers and tax authorities. The next step, after changing tax explanations, should be a discussion on changing the financial statements of entities applying the flatrate tax on corporate income as in its current form, the ‘net profit’ position cannot be treated equivalently to the amount allocated for distribution.


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Dokumenty prawne:
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How to Cite

Janiszewska, M. ., & Tłaczała, A. (2023). Estonian CIT: uncertainties in terms of tax and accounting law. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (191), 53–67.


