Sustainable strategy versus the institutional theory of the business enterprise


  • Andrzej Szplit Akademia Nauk Stosowanych im. prof. Edwarda Lipińskiego w Kielcach
  • Marcin Szplit Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach



institutionalism, balance, strategic management, sustainability, strategy


The increasing turbulence of the environment makes the classic methods of building strategies and operating principles of enterprises less useful. This applies even to the basic assumptions of relationship management, both from an epistemological and methodological perspective. Due to the current socio-economic problems related mainly to climate change, pressure on appropriate (sustainable and stable) development plays a special role. The aim of the publication is to explore the possibilities of building a responsible enterprise strategy within the framework of social and ecological conditions. The publication refers to the research of Rafał Krupski and his concept of creating a strategy with the requirements of identifying opportunities and defining redundancy of resources and competences. According to Krupski, sustainable growth is an idea of behaviour in an environment where conditions of uncertainty are common. This may mean that the local optimum treated autonomously may be one of the worst solutions from the point of view of the global optimum. Professor Krupski encourages further scientific research on the problems of balance between the organization and its environment because they are of fundamental importance to the theory and practice of strategic management. With reference to these recommendations, the authors of the study consider the assumptions of the institutional theory of the business enterprise in their research.


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2024-06-03 — Updated on 2024-07-02

How to Cite

Szplit, A., & Szplit, M. (2024). Sustainable strategy versus the institutional theory of the business enterprise. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (196).


