Perception of green HRM by managers and employees of HR departments


  • Joanna Tabor-Błażewicz Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie


green HR, ESG, ecology, human resources management


The article presents the concept of green HRM and the results of research conducted on a group of 142 employees on the essence, importance, benefits, and challenges related to this concept. A vast majority did not know the concept of green HRM, which leads to the conclusion that the knowledge of the subject is at a very low level, both in the group of HR employees and in other positions. The importance of green HRM in the company is assessed by 66% of the respondents as high, while 34% as medium. In many companies (40%) this topic has not been discussed at all, in 21% talks on its implementation have started. Of the companies that have implemented the measures, 17% describe them as the minimum level, 21% as the medium level, and 14% can boast of an advanced level. The most frequently mentioned benefits include contributing to the improvement of the environment and obtaining a better image of the company. The biggest challenges are low priority of activities of this type, lack of people responsible for activities, and lack of time to carry out these activities.


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How to Cite

Tabor-Błażewicz, J. (2024). Perception of green HRM by managers and employees of HR departments. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (196), 137–148. Retrieved from


