Green HRM as a way of sustainable development
green HRM, sustainable resources management, sustainability, green competence, green managementAbstract
The issue of sustainability in the context of green human resource management is one of the important areas of modern management. Green HRM combines the concepts of environmental management and human resources management to develop ‘green’ skills. The fundamental goal of GHRM is to shape the environmental sensitivity of employees and create a pro-environmental work environment influencing the creation of green attitudes among them. This area is becoming particularly important due to globalization, changing climate, and drought. The purpose of the article is to highlight the issue of green human resources management in the context of today’s climate change challenges. The article consists of the following parts: a brief introduction of the current state of the phenomenon, a description of the importance of green HRM in contemporary human resource management, an indication of the components of green HRM, and the challenges of green HRM.
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