Green competencies as an element of sustainable development


  • Marta Ziółkowska Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie



competences, sustainable development, labour market, vocational training


The paper outlines the essence and importance of green competencies of employees in companies in the context of sustainable development. The definition and meaning of terms related to green jobs were reviewed, distinguishing important categories of occupations. An industry classification of green skills was presented, and foundational data relating to the demand for green jobs in Central and Eastern European countries was analyzed. The conclusions point to the most relevant competencies concerning sustainability and indicate that green jobs will require a combination of soft and technical skills and cross-cutting competencies of company employees.


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Wydawnictwa zwarte

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Materiały internetowe

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2024-06-03 — Updated on 2024-07-02

How to Cite

Ziółkowska, M. (2024). Green competencies as an element of sustainable development. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (196), 161–170.


