Measuring the social impact of research: pursuing its quantitative assessment


  • Iwona Staniec Politechnika Łódzka
  • Mateusz Sowa Politechnika Łódzka


research evaluation, science communication, social impact, measurement of social impact, quantitative measures


The question whether there are appropriate quantitative indicators for determining the social impact of scientific research initiated the creation of this work. The paper uses desk research to present the background data, i.e. previous research, the current state of knowledge, policies in place at universities regarding approaches to quantitative measurement of social impact. The review presents possible methods and problems of measuring the social impact of research, describes the importance of case studies and different approaches to the process of measuring social impact. The review indicates that research should start with the identification of social impact and focus on the right approach to measuring social impact. It is shown that conclusions based on quantitative data in the evaluation of scientific research should be drawn with great caution and should always be supplemented by qualitative description.


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How to Cite

Staniec, I., & Sowa, M. (2024). Measuring the social impact of research: pursuing its quantitative assessment. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (196). Retrieved from


