Sources of financing the functioning of non-profit organizations from the perspective of sustainable project management


  • Anna Marciszewska Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu
  • Anna Zabłocka-Kluczka Politechnika Wrocławska
  • Renata Brajer-Marczak Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu



project management, sustainable project management, non-profit organizations, sustainability development, funding sources


This article addresses the topic of sustainable project management in non-profit organizations. By implementing projects, NPOs can have a significant impact on society, the environment, or well-being of society in general, hence sustainable project management appears to be a particularly desirable feature of project management in NPOs. The rationale for sustainable project management in the organizations in question can be traced back to both external and internal conditions related to the specifics of the NPO’s operation. The aim of this article is to search for a link between the sources of funding for the activities of NPOs and the frequency with which sustainable project management practices (in the areas of People, Planet, and Well-being) are applied during project implementation. The article is based on a quantitative survey; The respondents were people representing nonprofit organizations operating in Poland and having project management experience.


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2024-06-03 — Updated on 2024-07-02

How to Cite

Marciszewska, A., Zabłocka-Kluczka, A., & Brajer-Marczak, R. (2024). Sources of financing the functioning of non-profit organizations from the perspective of sustainable project management. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (197), 39–54.


