The impact of hybrid work in the enterprise on the organization of an office space stimulating employee creativity: results of qualitative research


  • Rafał Kasprzak Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
  • Marta Ziółkowska Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie



creative office space, creativity, organization of office space, hybrid work


During the study on the optimal portfolio of social and physical environmental factors influencing the stimulation of employee creativity, the authors propose extending the existing non-remote work model to the hybrid model. They assume that certain factors stimulating creativity in the hybrid model can serve as substitutes for those existing in the non-remote model. A series of research questions were formulated, addressing optimal social and physical environmental factors in both work models. Qualitative empirical research, based on in-depth interviews, was conducted. Content analysis was one of the methods used in the qualitative study, focusing on the perception and experiences of participants. The results of qualitative research indicate the need to understand which social and physical environmental factors are optimal for stimulating employee creativity in different work models. Designing workspace becomes a key element supporting organizational innovation, with features such as the presence of plants, sounds, flexible furniture, and relaxation spaces significantly influencing employee creativity. In summary, these studies aim to identify factors influencing employee creativity in the hybrid model and confirm their potential role as substitutes for existing factors in the non-remote model.


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Organizacja przestrzeni stymulującej kreatywność pracowników w warunkach pracy hybrydowej… 27

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2024-08-01 — Updated on 2024-08-09

How to Cite

Kasprzak, R., & Ziółkowska, M. (2024). The impact of hybrid work in the enterprise on the organization of an office space stimulating employee creativity: results of qualitative research. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (195), 11–29.


