Management challenges in international project partnerships. The organizational experience under Erasmus+ Programme collaboration projects


  • Marta Kędzia Wydział Zarządzania, Uniwersytet Łódzki
  • Justyna Wiktorowicz Uniwersytet Łódzki



project partnership, inter-organizational cooperation, European project management


The easiness with which co-operative relationships can be initiated and developed encourages organizations to seek forms of action that enable members of geographically dispersed teams representing different organizations to work together. Inter-organizational collaboration has many benefits, but it also poses management challenges for the staff leading it. The biggest ones are related to its specificity. The aim of this article is to assess the challenges of international inter-organizational partnership cooperation using the example of one of the key EU programmes supporting education – the Erasmus+ Programme. Attention is focused on such key issues as multi-organizationality and multiculturalism. The article presents the results of a questionnaire survey conducted among managers of Erasmus+ international partnership projects. Reference is also made to the results of participant observation of partnerships implementing such projects.


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2024-08-02 — Updated on 2024-08-09

How to Cite

Kędzia, M., & Wiktorowicz, J. (2024). Management challenges in international project partnerships. The organizational experience under Erasmus+ Programme collaboration projects. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (195), 107–130.


