Achieving Above Average Rates of Return Based on Information about Sold and Redeemed Shares of Open-End Funds


  • Tomasz Ormaniec Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie, Kolegium Zarządzania i Finansów



market efficiency, investment strategies, finance management, personal finance, investment funds


The paper aims at proposing a dynamic investment strategy based on information about sold and redeemed shares of open-end funds, which offers above-average rates of return to investors. The first part of the paper formulates a hypothesis of an efficient market, according to which the strategy in question should be inefficient. It also discusses ways to assess the quality of portfolio management. The second part of the paper presents results of the study which consisted in creating dynamic investment portfolios, to which monthly adjustments were made based on the author’s assumptions. Then the performance of static and dynamic (variable asset allocation) portfolios was compared.


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How to Cite

Ormaniec, T. (2019). Achieving Above Average Rates of Return Based on Information about Sold and Redeemed Shares of Open-End Funds. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (173), 29–45.


