Consumer in a Circular Economy




circular economy, sustainable growth, consumption, consumer, responsible behaviour, food sharing


The paper aims at identifying consumer behaviour within the circular economy model and presenting best practices in this area against the background of the idea of circular economy (based on critical analysis of subject-matter literature and web research).
Circular economy idea that for some years already has been promoted also in the EU provides a response to problems stemming from shrinking resources and growing amount of waste. It is a practical concept based on ideas drawn from diverse disciplines, which is why it has not got any clear-cut definition. Circular economy is about making the most of products and resources alongside the value chain and thus about contributing to sustainable growth. The idea can be achieved not only as a result of business activities but also thanks to responsible consumers who are recipients and initiators of new solutions. A responsible consumer takes account of sustainable growth in her/his responsible consumer decisions. A responsible consumer may act in favour of circular economy practically alongside the entire value chain but the biggest possibilities are available in the consumption stage.


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How to Cite

Jastrzębska, E. (2019). Consumer in a Circular Economy. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (172), 53–69.


