Measuring sustainable urban mobility: review of research




measurement, sustainable urban mobility, sustainable transport, SUMP, measures


The paper aims at presenting the idea of measuring sustainable urban mobility and discussing examples of measures and indicators that have been worked out so far. Moreover, it evaluates the possibility to apply these measures in the economy and delineates directions of further actions. The paper discusses the importance of adequately selected systems of measures and indicators at the stage of developing and implementing Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs). Examples of sustainable transport measures and indicators worked out to manage urban transport and examples of measures worked out by international organisations are also discussed. On top of that, examples are given of synthetic, multiaspect
methods of measuring urban mobility. The so far developed sets of measures and multi-aspect models focus mainly on the assessment of mobility and environmental impact, paying less attention to the quality of life of residents and economic aspects, such as, e.g., prices of services. Studies that have been carried out so far ignore measures relating to the funding from public resources although the efficiency of public spending belongs to the realm of intergenerational fairness.


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How to Cite

Urbanek, A. (2019). Measuring sustainable urban mobility: review of research. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (171), 61–80.


