Testing Consumer Physiological Reactions Using Smartwatches
Apple Pay, Apple Watch, emotions, impulse, decision making, psychology, pulse, smartwatchesAbstract
According to studies conducted by Tadeusz Tyszka, more than 2/3 purchases are spontaneous. It means sellers can induce their potential customers to buy their products. The key aspect here is correct customer segmentation enriched with new, previously unprocessed data. Vibrations, pulse, burnt calories are just some data collected by smartwatches. Sales of smartwatches and bands increased by over 10% annually. To meet the growing demand, new devices are created that collect data concerning human physiology. Wearable devices and smartphones acquire new functionalities and as a result of cooperation with financial institutions can be used for making payments. The combination of transaction data with basic information about how our body behaves before a purchasing decision is made offers better understanding of consumers and emotions that they experience.
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