Restructuring anew: corporate recovery as a legally structured process


  • Sebastian Bajon Uniwersytet Warszawski



restructuring, bankruptcy, insolvency


The principal objective of the paper is to introduce a company restructuring tool based on the provisions of the Restructuring Law Act and demonstrate how often it has been deployed over the last two years after the law has entered into force. In the analysis qualitative and quantitative methods were applied. The study is an analysis of the Restructuring Law Act and statistics concerning cases pending before economic courts in Poland. The paper shows the extent to which the provisions of the legal act in question have been reflected in economic reality. The author concluded that although the available legal toolkit designed to rescue debtors from bankruptcy is gaining in popularity, it is not used enough to enable market players safe survival. The original input of the author can be sought in the clear presentation of the situation of companies threatened with insolvency against the background of the performance
of the Restructuring Law Act.


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How to Cite

Bajon, S. (2019). Restructuring anew: corporate recovery as a legally structured process. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (170), 59–70.


