Social and demographic factors determining the location of corporate websites




standardisation and location of websites, social and demographic circumstances, international marketing, online marketing


One of the major dilemmas in international marketing is the one between standardisation and location of marketing activities in the international market, which also concerns corporate websites and brands as key instruments of online marketing. Yet, research studies on factors determining the location of websites other than cultural differences are still scarce.
The paper aims to identify social and demographic factors in the business environment in international markets, which may determine the location of websites addressed to foreign audience. The paper based on integrated desk research into literature has helped identify the following social and demographic factors of website location: the population of the Internet users, Internet penetration ratio in a country or region, differences in the Internet users structure based on age/generation, gender, and social group affiliation.


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How to Cite

Witek-Hajduk, M. K., & Wąsowicz-Zaborek, E. (2019). Social and demographic factors determining the location of corporate websites. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (169), 131–147.


