Patient, provider or the system: who needs coordinated healthcare?


  • Anna Kieszkowska-Grudny Minds of Hope w Warszawie – Klinika Psychiatrii, Centrum Medyczne Kształcenia Podyplomowego w Warszawie



aging society, health, healthcare, coordinated healthcare, integrated healthcare


Aging society, growing medical needs and limited resources, as well as rapidly progressing development of medical technologies are challenges faced by healthcare systems across the world. Coordinated healthcare that is being delivered in more than 100 formats globally, is a management approach to the delivery of medical services that ensures continuity and comprehensiveness in diagnostics and treatment at improved efficiency and reduced costs. In Poland, coordination of medical services is only just gaining ground and limited resources available in the healthcare system make it a viable option that offers improved access to modern healthcare services with better surveillance and cost management as well as optimisation of outlays.


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How to Cite

Kieszkowska-Grudny, A. (2019). Patient, provider or the system: who needs coordinated healthcare?. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (169), 93–108.


