Synchromodality-as-a-Service – innovative model for freight transport




mobility, synchromodality, intermodal transport, innovation,, business model


Synchromodality (synchronized intermodality) is an innovative concept in multimodal transport, according to which a logistics service provider, after having agreed the main parameters of a delivery, such as, e.g., the price, time or CO2 emission coefficient with the client, is free to decide about modes and means of transportation and may flexibly adapt his decisions to circumstances surrounding the transport service. This paper aims at: (1) looking at synchromodality as a combined service (service connectivity) offered within the framework of an innovative freight mobility model, in which values for the customer and for the logistics service provider have been already defined; (2) drafting theoretical assumptions for the Synchromodality-as-a-Service model, and (3) outlining development perspectives for the concept in Poland. The study includes desk research of synchromodality-related literature. Theoretical framework has been provided by the theory of innovative business models and value creation. The study also uses deductive reasoning method.


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How to Cite

Cichosz, M. (2019). Synchromodality-as-a-Service – innovative model for freight transport. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (169), 57–73.


