TRIAGE System on the Example of City Hospital in Ruda Śląska – preliminary studies




managing a healthcare operator, TRIAGE, priority admission system, quality in healthcare, health and public security


Within the hospital system, emergency departments almost all over the world use the TRIAGE system, i.e., the system of assessing patients’ condition used in managing medical risk, an inherent component of the practice of emergency medical services, which determines the patients’ priority for admission and their distribution between hospital wards. The paper discusses results of preliminary studies on the TRIAGE system conducted at the emergency ward of a selected hospital, in particular: patients’ awareness of the applied system of condition assessment, timely and adequate medical help, the impact
of the system upon better performance of the Emergency Room, and patients’ satisfaction with the quality of service at the Emergency Room.


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How to Cite

Skowron, K. (2019). TRIAGE System on the Example of City Hospital in Ruda Śląska – preliminary studies. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (168), 149–160.


