Public-Private Partnership in the Healthcare Sector


  • Małgorzata Godlewska Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie



public private partnership, healthcare sector, PPP,, PFI


The paper seeks to find out whether public-private partnership (PPP) is an opportunity or threat to the healthcare sector in Poland, which suffers from shortages of funds for modernisation and replacement of old and over-exploited healthcare infrastructure. The research has been conducted based on a case study (n=15) of PPP projects delivered in the healthcare sector (in the UK n=5; in Portugal n=5, and in Poland n=5) and individual in-depth interviews 3 (n=32) with partners from the public and private sectors involved in PPP projects, including (n=2) projects carried out in the healthcare sector in Poland,
as well as on discussions of a panel of experts with representatives of: partners from the public and private sector, academia, institutions that promote PPP arrangements in Poland, and consulting companies. Many researchers believe PPP is a proven and effective method to carry out investment projects in the healthcare sector. Yet, subject-matter literature is also full of critical opinions about PPP projects. Despite the ongoing debate, in Europe over the period 2012–2016 more than 60 PPP contracts were signed in the DBFO/DBFM model worth in total over EUR 10 mio. In Poland there is only one such PPP contract, worth over PLN 10 mio in the DBFOM model, for a project that is currently under construction. Nevertheless, an answer to the question whether PPP arrangement is an opportunity or a threat to the healthcare sector in Poland remains ambiguous. Most PFI/PPP projects delivered across the world in the healthcare sector are currently in the exploitation/maintenance stage and
only very few have already been finalised. Hence, it is not possible to estimate the total cost of a lifecycle of infrastructure, e.g., hospitals, constructed under the PFI/PPP arrangement. Results of audits of PFI/PPP projects in the healthcare sector conducted in the UK or in Portugal are also inconclusive. Regardless of these misgivings, in the face of growing indebtedness of public operators and gradual phasing out of the EU funding after 2020, cooperation between public and private partners under the PPP arrangement may remain the only source of investment funds for the healthcare sector in Poland.


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How to Cite

Godlewska, M. (2019). Public-Private Partnership in the Healthcare Sector. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (168), 113–131.


