Rail Passenger Security and Safety in the Context of Mobility Challenges of Aging European Society





security and safety, passenger rail transport, mobility, elderly and disabled people


Diverse contemporary civilisation challenges, especially mass migrations, terrorism and cybercrime call for increasing the safety and security of transport and its users. Public transport needs to be protected with special attention being paid to its more vulnerable users, such as elderly people. The paper draws attention to the security and safety of passengers in rail transport in the context of an aging European society and limitations to mobility caused by the process. Terms in the field of passenger security and safety have been reviewed, the current state of safety in passenger rail transport in the EU has been discussed against the background of demographic changes in the structure of EU population, and directions for changes in regulations to better protect elderly people in railway transport. We used the research accomplishments, reports and statistical analyses as well as EU regulations in the area in question.
Main focus was on the developments within the EU.


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How to Cite

Załoga, E. (2019). Rail Passenger Security and Safety in the Context of Mobility Challenges of Aging European Society. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (166), 165–177. https://doi.org/10.33119/SIP.2018.166.11


