Interoperability of Intermodal Transport as an Element of Competitiveness in the European Union




transport, intermodal transport, competitiveness, interoperability, transport policy


The paper explains the importance of interoperability of European cargo transport taking account of its benefits and limitations resulting from the European Union transport policy.
The paper discusses important aspects connected with the European Union efforts to improve the competitiveness of intermodal cargo transport vis-à-vis other transport sectors. Using statistical data and comparisons thereof several benefits have been listed, such as: environmental benefits, lower emissions as well as economies of scale benefits connected with sustainable growth at economic, social, and territorial levels in all of the EU Member States. We also present factors that impede interoperability of the European intermodal transport and activities designed at reducing the impact of these factors, inter alia: ensuring the same level of infrastructure advancement in the Member States, joint management of the flows of goods within the EU, and developing Eastern Partnership.


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How to Cite

Walasek, R. (2019). Interoperability of Intermodal Transport as an Element of Competitiveness in the European Union. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (166), 153–164.


