Transport Accessibility of Gdansk Airport




transport accessibility, airport links, accessibility, connectivity, Gdansk Airport


Studies undertaken in the paper assess transport accessibility of an airport. With this objective in mind, three elements have been identified that condition transport accessibility: airport links, accessibility, and connectivity. The paper is centred around the case study of the Gdansk Airport. This airport was selected purposefully since recently it has reported high traffic dynamics, it is situated in the northern part of Poland and acts as a hub for Scandinavian connections, and a base for several air operators. The analysis covered possibilities of reaching the airport that are available to passengers using different connection combinations with the main European hub airports.
As a result of studies we found increasing share of rail transport in servicing the airport. The Gdansk Airport offers good connections with regions, three major directions have been identified. Passengers who travel across the continent select a carrier taking into account multiple factors that impact the service.


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Materiały internetowe



How to Cite

Tłoczyński, D. (2019). Transport Accessibility of Gdansk Airport. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (166), 137–151.


