EU Transport Space as a Component of European Logistics Area. Conditions for its Development in the Context of Trade Facilities and Increasing Competitiveness of Europe




transport efficiency, logistics productivity, transport infrastructure, trade facilitations, competitiveness


The study focuses on joint European transport area understood as an integral component of the logistics area. The first one, composed of transport systems of the EU Member States, strongly impacts the efficiency and effectiveness of logistics macrosystems in these countries. Analysis and evaluation of the impact of economic factors upon the productivity of logistics macrosystems of selected EU Member States as well as forms of their influence on how the European logistics mega-system is shaped and how it performs are the main research problems which this paper intends to address. Most importantly, the studies have demonstrated that: 1/ for EU and Europe to maintain their competitiveness, and especially to guarantee their growth, we need more efficient and effective European transport and logistics area, 2/ to ensure such growth, we need to develop high quality, intelligent transport infrastructure, which
will contribute to higher quality of transport services and standards in logistics.


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How to Cite

Grzelakowski, A. S. (2019). EU Transport Space as a Component of European Logistics Area. Conditions for its Development in the Context of Trade Facilities and Increasing Competitiveness of Europe. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (166), 39–58.


