Intelligent IT Technologies Used to Improve the Efficiency of Regulations in European Road Transport – Case of New Generation Tachographs




economic analysis of law, road cargo transport, ICT, intelligent tachograph


This paper is intended to assess the possibilities offered by new technological solutions, especially by the co called intelligent tachographs and integrated databases that facilitate the flow of information among European Union Member States and the introduction of a single system of control for road vehicles. New technologies may reduce the number of infringements of law and frauds in road transport as well as facilitate the enforcement of social regulations.
The research study was conducted using the TELOS method of project assessment and the analysis was carried out at qualitative and quantitative level. It has been demonstrated that the scale of effects of the implementation of new tachographs and databases depends on concrete political and legislative solutions. The paper discusses results of research on costs and benefits in individual implementation options and scenarios, moreover we validated technical, legal, and organisational feasibility as well as the timely delivery of the implementation of the undertaking.


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Dokumenty prawne
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How to Cite

Bąk, M., & Borkowski, P. (2019). Intelligent IT Technologies Used to Improve the Efficiency of Regulations in European Road Transport – Case of New Generation Tachographs. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (166), 9–26.


