Health Literacy as Key Determinant of the Health of Society




health literacy, prevention, civilisation diseases, public health care expenditure


Since the 1970s increasingly more attention has been given to the model of building up health literacy. There are many concepts of health literacy definition and models that measure the size of the notion. Attempts are also made to compare health literacy in different countries.
The paper discusses the notion of patient’s health literacy and shows examples of health literacy of the Polish society based on analyses available to the authors as well as instruments that can be used to improve it.
As shown in analyses conducted on data collected in the course of the programme Preventing overweight and obesity in the population of Małopolskie voivodeship and questionnaire-based studies carried out under the programme Comparative report of health literacy in eight EU Member States. The European health literacy survey hls-EU, health literacy of the Polish population systematically increases.


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How to Cite

Kosycarz, E., & Walendowicz, K. (2019). Health Literacy as Key Determinant of the Health of Society. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (165), 79–94.


