koszty technologii





telemedicine, cost-benefit analysis, cost of technology


The paper aims at discussing economic costs and benefits of telemedicine based on the overview of the so far conducted studies.
In developed economies telemedical services represent a substantial portion of health care services and in some cases may even replace traditional diagnosing and treatment. Nowadays, technology is no more a barrier, limitations that are still faced include regulatory framework (or its absence) and financing. Especially with increasing costs generated by health care systems (due to technological progress in medicine, demographic changes and other social and economic factors) it is vital to compare costs and benefits of telemedical services. For reasons stated below, there are very few methodologically correct studies that would investigate into economic efficiency of adopted solutions:

  • absence of an approved uniform methodology for making comparisons,
  • focus on costs rather than on broadly interpreted economic benefits,
  • limited possibilities to generalise the results caused by high heterogeneity of telemedical solutions,
  • small samples of patients and no long-term data.

Summing up, costs and benefits of telemedical solutions are a little researched area, however, the existing evidence suggests that telemedicine can be effective at medical level and economically efficient.


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How to Cite

Ruzik-Sierdzińska, A., & Sierdziński, J. (2019). koszty technologii. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (165), 49–61. https://doi.org/10.33119/SIP.2018.165.3


