Remuneration of Graduates of Medical and Health Science Courses Graduated in 2014




higher education, labour market, medical courses


The paper aims to list factors that differentiate remuneration of graduates of medical schools and health science courses who completed their education in Poland in 2014. Remuneration can be understood as market value of graduates seen through employers’ eyes. Higher average remuneration of graduates of a particular school of medicine, medical university or a concrete course are indicative of better evaluation of their competence and readiness to take up a job. On the other hand, the freedom to develop new courses granted to universities in 2011, has introduced courses covering a mixture of fields or themes. A hypothesis can be formulated that such offers reflect searches for innovative university courses that would meet the needs of employers (labour market) and, at the same time, open up the opportunity to utilise diverse skills of scientific and teaching staff. Presented analyses show that the hypothesis is false. They also suggest changes in learning outcomes assumed for some of the analysed offers. 


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Dokumenty prawne
1. Rozporządzenie Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego z dnia 26 września 2016 r. w sprawie warunków prowadzenia studiów, Dz.U. z 2016 r., poz. 1596.
Wydawnictwa zwarte
1. Rocki M., Ocena dopasowania oferty dydaktycznej kierunków ekonomicznych do potrzeb rynku pracy na podstawie czasu poszukiwania pracy przez absolwentów, „Handel Wewnętrzny” 2017, 4 (369).
2. Rocki M., Samozatrudnienie absolwentów polskich uczelni rocznika 2014, „e-Mentor” 2017, nr 4 (71).
3. Rocki M., Jakość kształcenia a ekonomiczne losy absolwentów. Analiza przypadków, UAM, „Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe” 2018.
4. Strategia rozwoju szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce do 2020, Ernst & Young Business Advisory, Instytutu Badań nad Gospodarką Rynkową, Warszawa 2010.
Materiały internetowe
1. Przeglądy gospodarcze OECD: Polska 2016,, wrzesień 2017.



How to Cite

Rocki, M. (2019). Remuneration of Graduates of Medical and Health Science Courses Graduated in 2014. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (165), 9–25.


