GRI Standards to be Used in Reporting on Sustainable Development in NGOs in Poland




the third sector, non-governmental organisations, sustainable development, GRI reporting standards


GRI reporting standards are the best known and most frequently used ways facilitating reports of sustainable development by entities in the whole world. Due to their universal character these regulations may be applied in all sectors of the economy, including the sector of non-governmental organisations. Unfortunately, the analysis indicates that in Poland the concept of reporting on the problems of sustainable development in the third sector is still in the phase of development. Despite this, the number of NGOs interested in GRI standards is rising all the time. Non-financial reporting may improve the image of the company, become a competitive advantage factor in the process of fundraising and contribute to the legitimacy of its pursuit. A scenario method is used in the process of concluding on the possibility of introducing the obligation of reporting on sustainable development in the non-governmental organisations.


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Dokumenty prawne
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How to Cite

Czaja-Cieszyńska, H. (2019). GRI Standards to be Used in Reporting on Sustainable Development in NGOs in Poland. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (164), 49–61.


