Managerial Leadership as an Important Mechanism of Technological Entrepreneurship. Results of Empirical Research of Companies in the Aviation Valley in Poland




technological entrepreneurship, managerial leadership, high tech companies


Technological entrepreneurship is an important mechanism of development of high tech companies and consequently building the knowledge-based economy. However, the literature analysis indicates the lack of overall coherent and transparent theory of technological entrepreneurship. The aim of this article to partially fill in this gap through an attempt to answer the question about the characteristics of managerial leadership as a causative mechanism of the technological entrepreneurship process. The research methodology is based on the logic of a comparative case study and is included in the general category of qualitative research of the process of making theoretical assumptions. The designed research
construct was empirically tested on a sample of companies belonging to the Aviation Valley in Poland. The analysed companies were divided into two symmetric groups, based on two subsequent phases of early development, i.e. the group in the phase of formation and the group in the phase of growth. The results of empirical research indicate a significant role of multidimensional managerial leadership, accounting for all bases and mechanisms of authority, in the process of technological entrepreneurship. The companies in the phase of formation in comparison with companies in the phase of growth indicate differences with regard to the profile of achieved effectiveness as well as the specificity of managerial
leadership of technological entrepreneurship.


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How to Cite

Kordel, P. (2019). Managerial Leadership as an Important Mechanism of Technological Entrepreneurship. Results of Empirical Research of Companies in the Aviation Valley in Poland. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (162), 219–233.


