Knowledge-Based Agile Companies


  • Hanna Włodarkiewicz-Klimek Politechnika Poznańska



agile company, knowledge-based companies, opportunities


The dynamics and unpredictability of the modern environment require prompt responses to shortlived opportunities and making the most of them. It is possible thanks to the concept of agile company which, due to the specific character of external resources as well as the methods of operation, can identify opportunities immediately and make use of them for its own growth and development. The publication is aimed the presentation of evolution of the concept of knowledge-based organisations towards the creation an agile organisation. The study indicates the conditions for the development of agility of modern companies and presents the model of a knowledge-based agile company. The publication has a character of theoretical considerations leading to the structuring of the concepts of corporate agility and its model description.


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How to Cite

Włodarkiewicz-Klimek, H. (2019). Knowledge-Based Agile Companies. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (162), 143–152.


