The Role of Creativeness in Business Analysis in the Context of Marketing Data Analysis




creativeness, competences, business analytics, marketing data analysis


As the interest in business analytics was growing, there was a demand for specialists in the area called data science, i.e. the science devoted to data and their analysis (algorithms, tools and applications). In the era of the dynamic development and popularization of information technology, it is a prerequisite for the market operation; and competitiveness is determined be the creative application of available data and technologies. The aim of this article is to indicate the possibilities and areas of creative activities in the process of data analysis. These activities are meant to create value added for the company and customers. The presented considerations are based on a standard model of data analysis process CRISP-DM, and the conclusions are supported by the author’s observations and experience acquired in the course of implementation of the project exploring the marketing data of retail shops in Poland.


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How to Cite

Pawełoszek, I. (2019). The Role of Creativeness in Business Analysis in the Context of Marketing Data Analysis. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (162), 89–104.


