Measurement of Creativeness of Corporate Innovation Initiators




creativeness measurement, innovation, innovators, company


The article is aimed at the presentation of results in the area of appraisal of predisposition of staff to think creatively. In this connection, it presents selected methods of examination of creativeness and differentiates a creative attitude from creative skills in the context of the conducted research. It introduces the author’s designed method of examination of creativeness and its application in a food industry company. It is one of the examples presenting the procedure of conducted research of the impact of staff creativity on the development of innovation in production engineering. The results obtained in the examined company allowed for the observation of a certain dependence. The innovation which was highly appraised was created by the innovator characterized by a high level of creative attitude and very high appraisal of the work sample.


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How to Cite

Knosala, R., Tomczak-Horyń, K., & Wasilewska, B. (2019). Measurement of Creativeness of Corporate Innovation Initiators. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (162), 77–88.


