Motivating Workers to Behave Creatively. Managerial Staff Perspective




creativeness, motivating, managers


The aim of the article is to identify actions undertaken by Polish managerial staff to stimulate the creative behaviour of employees. The article consists of a theoretical as well as empirical part including the results of survey conducted among 60 representatives of managerial staff. The research results indicate that, to a large extent, employees are not encouraged to show their creative potential by financial tools, or these tools are used within a very limited scope. In the managers’ approach to motivation there is a blurred difference in meaning between motivating to do and providing conditions for doing. Most of them are convinced that the emanation of creativity is a natural, inner need of employees. Thus, the
role of the organisation is confined to the provision of conditions in favour of creative activities. At the same time, the respondents in most cases assessed the motivating attempts to make a better use of creative potential as not really effective or non-existent in their workplace environment. The examined managers are aware of the value of employees’ creativity for the organisation, but a considerable part of them do not feel personally responsible for encouraging subordinates to behave creatively.


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How to Cite

Moczydłowska, J. M. (2019). Motivating Workers to Behave Creatively. Managerial Staff Perspective. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (161), 123–132.


