Financialization as a Corporate Value Appropriation Factor




appropriation of value, financialization, enterprise


The author is interested in the impact of financialization on the phenomenon of appropriation of value by enterprises. A thesis has been posed that financialization gives rise to a number of phenomena, some of which may be called the appropriation of value. The article describes three basic trends distinguished in the discussion on financialization. Next, the article discusses the selected phenomena which may be thought to relate to the value taken over by enterprises, which is not their due for one reason or another. Considering a diversified terminology used to describe these phenomena, the term value appropriation was conceptualised and effects of value appropriation with regard to different entities were indicated. In order to confirm the thesis, the forms of value appropriation which may be caused by different trends of financialization were identified. The analysis of these forms allows for the statement that financialization, in particular the trend connected with the shareholder value, does contribute to the intensification of value appropriation.


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How to Cite

Gulski, B. (2018). Financialization as a Corporate Value Appropriation Factor. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (160), 79–97.


