Proposals of Appraisal Criteria of Vocationally/Practically Oriented Doctoral Dissertations. Exemplified by Management Sciences




doctoral studies, Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), doctoral dissertations, criteria of dissertations reviews


The article is meant to review the discussion and research findings justifying the thesis on the necessity for application of different criteria of appraisal of two different types of doctoral dissertations: traditional research dissertations of the PhD type (Doctor of Philosophy) and dissertations of a vocational/practical profile of a DBA type (Doctor of Business Administration). The article includes the discussion about three issues. The first introductory section of the article concerns the lack of precision in defining the appraisal criteria of doctoral dissertations as well as the freedom of interpretation of profiles of doctoral degrees and dissertations. The second section deepens our knowledge of the question of identicality vs. diversity of appraisal criteria of doctoral dissertations completed within doctoral studies oriented academically or vocationally (for example DBA). The starting point for the analysis of this problem is a short discussion of key features of vocational doctoral dissertations. The third section, which concludes the article instead of a traditional summary, includes the proposal of appraisal criteria of vocational doctoral dissertations (DBA) – by professor N. Maheran Nik Muhammad, a Malaysian researcher of DBA studies. The proposal of a set of criteria of DBA dissertations reviews develops research conducted earlier by two teams of Australian researchers


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How to Cite

Bielecki, P. (2018). Proposals of Appraisal Criteria of Vocationally/Practically Oriented Doctoral Dissertations. Exemplified by Management Sciences. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (160), 11–28.


