Information and Communication Overload in Organisational Development


  • Maciej Brzozowski Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
  • Sebastian Majsner IBM GSDC Polska Sp. z o.o.



organisational development, organisational life cycle, systemic approach, information and communication overload


The paper aims at identifying and explaining mutual links between information and communication overload and the level of organisational development. As theoretical foundations we have used the L. Greiner organisation growth model and presented the typology of information and communica­tion loads in an organisation. At empirical level, the paper discusses results of a pilot qualitative study based on case studies of five enterprises. For each organisation covered by the study we identified the development stage as well as information and communication load connected with it and how the lat- ter effects their performance.


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How to Cite

Brzozowski, M. ., & Majsner, S. . (2019). Information and Communication Overload in Organisational Development. Studies and Work of the Collegium of Management and Finance , (175), 23–34.


